Let's do our part! Make phone calls.
Just now breaking news from Jill Glover: Representative Steve Toth has said if we can push out 5000 calls TODAY to the Speaker, Governor, and Lt Governor, then his forensic audit of the big counties bill (HB 241 calling for a forensic audit of our November election in 13 counties) WILL get a hearing. Speaker Phelan: 512-463-1000 Governor: 512-463-2000 Lt. Gov: 512-463-0001/5342 Let’s lead the way! Please push this out to your club members and patriot friends ASAP! Forward to anyone who is likely to call. Let’s get this done!

Jill Glover is the State Republican Executive Committeewoman (SREC) for Senate District 12. She was appointed in 2020 at the state GOP convention to be the chairwoman of the party's legislative priorities committee. She also serves as precinct chair and election judge and is a board member to the Flower Mound Area Republican Club.