Tuesday, February 7, 2023, 12-1 PM
Virtual Event !

We're writing to remind you to join our 2023 Texas Values Legislative Advocacy 101 seminar! If you haven't registered yet, now is the time! This virtual training event is FREE and will be Tuesday, February 7, 2023 at 12 PM Noon (CST). Be sure to invite friends and family that would be interested to receive in-depth knowledge about the legislative process in Texas!
The Texas Legislature meets every two years for 140 days. During this time, over 10,000 bills are filed, and legislators spend many long days and late nights hearing and discussing legislative proposals. It’s an intense process that can be confusing at best, and bewildering and frustrating at worst.
You will not want to miss this free virtual training - please register as soon as possible!
Texas Values’ professional policy team, with over 25 years of collective experience in the Texas legislative process, will give a presentation on many timely topics:
• An overview of how the Texas legislative process works
• Strategies for searching for bills and statutes
• How to approach and talk with your representatives in the Texas Legislature
• And important updates on key bills being considered right now!
Register today and be confident that you are receiving time-tested information on advocacy at the Texas Capitol. You can also be more confident in joining us for Texas Values’ Faith & Family Day at the Texas Capitol on March 13, 2023.
Together, we can make an impact for faith, family, & freedom this legislative session.
We hope to see you there!
For more information contact our team at 512-478-2220
For event questions, please contact our policy team at 512-478-2220 or policy@txvalues.org.