Sunday, September 26, is National Voter Registration Sunday.
We invite you to join us and participate in the national My Faith Votes 3rd annual National Voter Registration Sunday. We encourage churches to host a voter registration drive to help their congregants engage civically and register to vote.
The voice of the church is essential. But 15 million Christians are not registered to vote.
YOU can help change that!
* Become a volunteer voter registrar. For Grayson County, go to the Elections Office, 115 W. Houston St, Sherman - 903-813-5216 - elections@co.grayson.tx.us
* Talk with your clergy. Ask if voter registrars can come and register parishioners to vote. Then sign up your church at VoterRegistrationSunday.org.
Together we will not only register Christians to vote, but ensure Christians commit to vote in every election! Have questions? Go to info@ourchurchvotes.org and download your guide to host a Voter Registration Drive. Or you may contact Anna (903-815-8275) or Kaaren (214-232-7518).
When you help Christians get ready to vote, you stand united to see 90 Million Christians in America influence every election, so biblical values are advanced in our communities and culture. If September 26 does not work for your church, please choose a different date to host a voter registration drive.
Our Church Votes (OCV) is a nonpartisan initiative to empower churches in America to faithfully engage their congregations during each election season.