Join us Sunday as we show our support and appreciation for President Trump. He has made America so much better in his 4 years in office, and we want him to know that we want him as our President for "4 more years."

We will be cruising around Grayson County, visiting little towns and big ones. Decorate your vehicle with Trump flags and signs and join the parade. Or come out and wave to us as we go by. Let's see how many vehicles can join the Trump Train. Invite your Trump supporter friends, make calls, email, text. It will be fun!
We also support Attorney General Ken Paxton's lawsuit suing battleground states "asking the Supreme Court to order state legislatures in Wisconsin, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania to displace 'tainted' election results in those States and choose their own electors." Paxton further said that he sued these states on behalf of the State of Texas since the states made unconstitutional changes to their laws before the 2020 election.