Trump supporters are meeting this weekend to show support for President
Donald Trump. A boat parade is scheduled today (8/1/20) from 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. It will start at East Burns Run on Lake Texoma.
Stan Carver II, one of the organizers, wants to bring Trump supporters together and show support for our President. What started out as a small private gathering has turned into a large event with over 700 people showing interest in attending. Hundreds of people on both sides of the Red River will be showing up.
Carver says "They will lead the parade route from their starting point at East Burns Run to Grandpappy Point, Highport, and up through Oklahoma -- all on Lake Texoma." There will be three routes in order to cover as much of Lake Texoma as possible. Each route will head out approximately 10 minutes apart or until deemed safe.
Yellow route will leave from Burns run east and head north to Roosevelt Road bridge and then loop back (approx. 2 hour loop).
Blue route will leave from Burns Run East and head over to Highport Marina and Treasure Island before looping back (approx. 2-1/2 hour loop).
Red route will go into Grandpappy point and loop back (approx. 45 minute loop).
If you have a preference of which loop to take please arrive at least an hour prior to the event.
Anyone is welcome to join the parade. This is a family friendly event.
(Info from 12 FOX Media and Facebook)
