Election Day is May 1, 2021 for local
City and School Board Elections + some bond and proposition elections

First day of Early Voting by personal appearance is Monday, April 19, 2021
Last day of Early Voting by personal appearance is Tuesday, April 27, 2021
First day to apply for ballot by mail (received, not postmarked) April 20, 2021
Last day to receive ballot by mail is May 1, 2021 (Election Day) by 7 p.m.
Remember: Grayson County values conservative Republican principles and leadership. When you vote, consider these values in the candidates and office holders you vote for, even in local nonpartisan elections.
To get information on who is running for school board or city council, what bond issues are on the ballot, and any propositions (special elections), go to the Grayson County website: https://www.co.grayson.tx.us. Scroll down to Elections Information and click on that. Then click on May 1 2021 City and School Sample Ballots or
If you have questions, you may call 903-893-VOTE (903-893-8683). If you have further questions, you may contact your Precinct Chair.
These are YOUR cities and YOUR schools. Get out and vote for the leaders who reflect YOUR values!