Speaker - Texas Senator Bob Hall, Senate District 2
Grayson County Courthouse - East Courtroom, 100 W. Houston, Sherman at 7 p.m.
What is Contact Tracing? The state (and nation) are now proposing egregious contact tracing schemes to track and control your movements. In what is being advertised as an “entirely voluntary” system, a positive COVID-19 test will trigger an investigation of you to reveal everywhere you have been and everyone you have been in contact with within a window of time prior to your testing.
The Texas State Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has signed a $295 million, 27-month contract with the Frisco firm MTX Group to proceed with its contact-tracing program despite serious concerns about the invasion of privacy and the encroachment of civil liberties. The contract was awarded with no legislative oversight and without the due process safeguards mandated by legislation. And questions remain as to the efficacy of the selected contractor. Senator Hall will talk about some of the things you can do such as reaching out to the Governor and your state lawmakers.
Everyone is welcome. There is no charge to attend. The South door (Risk Shoe side) and West door (Knight Furniture side) will open at 6:15 and will lock at 7:30.

We wish everyone a happy 4th of July weekend!
Our next meeting is on Tuesday, July 7th at 7 p.m.
We will be showing the newly released film UNCLE TOM
At the Gourmet Waffle Shop Cafe, 2418 W. Morton St, Denison TX
In a collection of intimate interviews with some of America’s most provocative black conservative thinkers, Uncle Tom takes a different look at being black in America. It features media personalities, ministers, civil rights activist, veterans, and a self-employed plumber. The cast includes Larry Elders (Exec Dir), LTC Allen West, Carol Swain, Candace Owens, Pastor Stephen Broden to name a few.
TRUMP Weekend of Action - over the 4th of July weekend the Trump Victory 2020 Team is asking us to make phone calls. Our goal is to make sure all Republicans win this November. Later we will block walk and register voters. We must Keep America Great! Volunteer to help! Fill out a form and we will get you set using Advantage 3 Red Dialer app. Contact Kaaren, the County Trump Campaign Captain, at kaarent@gmail.com or 214-232-7518.
Trump/Pence 2020 signs and bumper stickers are now available. Donations accepted.
Texoma Patriots, P O Box 504, Van Alstyne TX 75495.
@teapartytexoma - www.facebook.com/texomapatriots