Attend this important meeting on CONTACT TRACING on Monday, June 29, at 7 p.m. at the Grayson County Courthouse, East Courtroom, 100 W. Houston St, Sherman.
The death of approximately 1,500 Texans due to COVID-19 in the first five months of 2020 is unfortunate and alarming until put in perspective by comparing it to the 7,500 Texans who died with the flu.
Overreaching governments arrested and imprisoned individuals for daring to open a business offering services between a willing buyer and a willing seller – both of whom were able to calculate the personal risks to themselves when they entered into the transaction.

So what is Contact Tracing? The state (and nation) are now proposing egregious contact tracing schemes to track and control your movements. In what is being advertised as an “entirely voluntary” system, a positive COVID-19 test will trigger an investigation of you to reveal everywhere you have been and everyone you have been in contact with within a window of time prior to your testing.
If you went to a restaurant, government officials have said they will look at restaurant seating logs to determine who you may have been in close proximity. The government may even review credit card receipts to determine who else was in the restaurant at the same time. If you happen to be one of the persons in the restaurant, will you be asked to self-isolate just because you have been in the same restaurant as someone who tested positive? But don’t worry if the government asks you to self-isolate. They say they will provide services for you to “help” you do that. They will put you up in a hotel if you don’t have the room to self-isolate with a private bathroom. What if you have children and have to self- isolate? Will the government remove your children so they will not become infected? The answer to this is still unclear, but scary.
(from Senator Hall’s Capitol Hall June Report) The Texas State Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has signed a $295 million, 27-month contract with the Frisco firm MTX Group to proceed with its contact-tracing program despite serious concerns about the invasion of privacy and the encroachment of civil liberties. The contract was awarded with no legislative oversight and without the due process safeguards mandated by legislation. And questions remain as to the efficacy of the selected contractor.
The government is offering us security for the loss of our individual liberty. So what can we do? Senator Hall will talk about some of the things you can do such as reaching out to the Governor and your state lawmakers by phone calls, emails, letters, text messages, etc. You can write letters to the editor and call talk shows to alert other Texans.
We encourage you to attend this meeting. Everyone is welcome. There is no charge to attend.