The next Texoma Patriots meeting is Tuesday, September 28, 7 p.m..
We will be meeting at Grandy’s, 3201 N Texoma Parkway, Sherman
Our speaker is Keisha Russell

Keisha Russell is Counsel with First Liberty Institute, concentrating on religious liberty matters and First Amendment rights.
Keisha will be talking to us about our religious rights at school and the workplace. She will be answering our questions about the impact of vaccines and discussing what rights we Americans have. She is most passionate about protecting religious freedom for children in America's schools. Included in the discussion will be what rights people of faith, parents, and students have in public schools.
Keisha will also bring us up-to-date on issues such as big-tech censorship, court-packing, and other attacks on religious freedom we may be facing. She is licensed to practice law in New York, Texas, and Florida.
We are witnessing an historic moment for America’s First Freedom — religious freedom. The First Liberty legal team has argued and won cases at every level, including the Supreme Court of the US. It is dedicated to protecting our religious liberty in every part of our life. Some of the cases, present and past, include Coach Kennedy who was fired by his school district for praying, a flight attendant who was fired by Alaska Airlines for questioning the Equality Act, government’s constant harassment of religious organizations serving the homeless in addition to cases in Frisco, McKinney, and Dallas.
You can get more information on First Liberty Institute and Keisha Russell at There you can download their newest pamphlet entitled Religious Liberty Protection Kit - Know your rights on vaccine mandates. First Liberty is a nonprofit organization and works on a pro bono basis to defend the religious liberties of all Americans.
Come early and eat before the meeting. Everyone is welcome at all our events. There is no charge to attend our meetings. This is your opportunity to meet elected officials and candidates as well as fellow conservatives and other like-minded freedom loving Texans.
Keisha Russell Meeting Attendees
