In case you missed our showing on January 13 at the Red River Cowboy Church, you have another opportunity to see the film The Mind Polluters. You may even want to see it again and bring some of your friends with you this Friday evening, March 4th.
Please register below for the showing at Schulman's Movie Bowl Grill in Sherman.

The host for this event invites you:
I am pleased to announce that The Matthew18 Group Ministry is hosting a Free Screening of this important investigative documentary. Every parent & grandparent should come see this powerful film and hear from cast member, Prof. Audrey Werner RN, during our exclusive Q&A. I personally rented out the theater to make sure you could see this. We will have a Free-Will offering taken up at the end of the film to support the filmmakers' Fearless Features ministry.
DOORS OPEN AT 6PM - Come early to order your refreshments.
“The Mind Polluters” is a feature length film that follows the efforts of grass roots volunteers, legislators and Christian academics to expose and stop the efforts of corrupt organizations and groups who infiltrate the nation’s school systems with harmful & obscene materials. The film not only shows the brutal battle being waged right now across our nation to force both public and private school systems to indoctrinate children with materials so heinous that they are illegal everywhere else except in the classroom, it also explores the history of the pornography battle in the United States for the past 75 years. The battle lines have been drawn. Will the Church stand for Truth, or will we falter? Visit to view the film’s trailer. If you have questions, please feel free to text me at 770-778-0201. See you Friday!
Blessings to you all,
Diana Richards
Sherman TX